Invitation to MSL's World Metrology Day Celebration 2024
Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to build connections and hear from an exciting range of speakers

The theme of World Metrology Day for 2024 is:
Sustainability – the numerous measurement opportunities that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable global economy.
The Press Release and Director's Message can be viewed on the Official Website.(external link)
World Metrology Day officially recognised by UNESCO – read more here.
As always, it will also be an opportunity to visit some of MSL’s laboratories, and this year we will feature a visit with Robert Holt to see the HyLink(external link) demonstrator on the Callaghan Innovation campus. Another part of the day to look forward to will be the Metrology Society of Australasia's (MSA(external link)) Emerging Young Metrologist Award presentation and the MSA networking hour.
We invite you to join us in person for the day, including lunch, the tours and the networking hour, or virtually for the presentations. The event is free but spaces may be limited on site, so please register now to confirm your place.
Please register here(external link).
Preliminary Programme:
Morning session: From 9:30 am – Registrations㇑Meet and Greet㇑Morning Tea
Annette Koo; Director and Chief Metrologist – MSL
Power metrology for a sustainable future
Tom Stewart; Senior Research Scientist – MSL
One in a Million - The challenge of measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide from space
Randy Pollock; Chief Scientist/Engineer – Space – Robinson Research Institute
Critical measurements of hydrogen as an energy vector in a sustainable future
Robert Holt; Principal Research Engineer – Callaghan Innovation
A critical analysis of using an in-situ reference electrode to decouple anode-cathode dynamics in an anion exchange membrane water electrolyser
Laura Titheridge; PhD Candidate – University of Canterbury
Afternoon Session:
How sustainable are Leap Seconds, The Second and the MSL Talking Clock
Adam Dunford; Senior Research Scientist – MSL
MSL Kibble Balance Update
Yin Hsien Fung; Senior Research Scientist – MSL
Launch Te Reo “Measurement in Daily Life” and “SI Brochure”
Metrology Society of Australasia (MSA) - Emerging Metrologist Award (Sponsored by IANZ)
Dr Brian Young; Chief Executive – International Accreditation NZ (IANZ)
Laboratory Tours from 2:50 pm
MSA Sponsored Networking Hour – 4:30 to 5:30 pm
We would like to thank our sponsors: